Friday, June 28, 2013

G7 0627

Absent: Jandebreom, Dyjlan, Gabriel

Finish Discussing Lesson 1 on "God's Revelation"

PerDev 0627

Checking of Assignments
Finish discussing the "Formation of the Will"

Please submit all the assignments on next meeting.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

G7 0625

absent: martin and daniel

Discussion on Revelation
We are attracred to beauty
Beauty of God is in Christ's Cross

G7 0620

Name - Recitation - Assignment - Quiz (checking if book is read)

castro, gabriel - 93 ok 5
Fernando, Daniel - 84 none 0
Punzal, Martin - 90 none 2
Garcia, Janwilbur - 83 ok 1
Ramos, Nicolas - 95 none 0
Garcia, Jadrebron - 83 none 1
Reglos, Joshua Dylan - 92 none 2
Corpuz, Jomarc - 99 none 1
Banzon, Ian - 99 ok 5
Mascarenas, Richard - 83 none 1
Alday, RL - 85 none 2
gabriel,randal - 100 none 1
vanscoy, austin - 83 none 1
flores, mark denzel - 83 none 3
esguerra, a.m. - 90 none 0
ladaban - ljg 82 none 2

Lesson 1 and Read page4
1. revelation
2. Bible
3-5 3 essential dimensions of CHRISTIAN FAITH
6 Jesus Christ
7 bishops
8 Tradition
9 complete name of bishop
10. Pope Francis

mass responses
grace before and after meals
our farher
salve regina

Friday, June 21, 2013

PerDev 0621

Goal Setting
Discussion on Goal Setting
Discussion on Social Etiquette
Formation of the Will (next formation of the will)

Absent: Bibbo, Jocjoc
You can check the calendar from
I'm forming IT group
Spiritual Reading Books
- June 14 Post... You cann always download
- May I ask the Chapel Beadle to post the spiritual reading track

Please take time to read the Pre-College Guide and also the Routines and Procedures. I will check next classes about this.

On Tuesday will be the Confession

Thursday, June 20, 2013

G7 0618

I'm late for 15 minutes.

castro, gabriel - 93
Fernando, Daniel - 84
Punzal, Martin - 90
Garcia, Janwilbur - 83
Ramos, Nicolas - 95
Garcia, Jadrebron - 83
Reglos, Joshua Dylan - 92
Corpuz, Jomarc - 99
Banzon, Ian - 99
Mascarenas, Richard - 83
Alday, RL

Lesson 1 and Read page4
No absent
Note: Sana lakasan ni Daniel ang boses niya. Sana behave na si Dylan.

PerDev 0620

Photocopy of::

Seminary-Living Guide Photocopy + Social Etiquette- Pls pay 15pesos each
Discussion on Guide re Hygiene and some important topics
Cartoon Personality Test
Assignment - excel files to be answered and printed
Pre-College Calendar

Absent: Bibbo

Friday, June 14, 2013

PerDev 0614

First Day of Class

Define the Course
Finalizing the Sked

Personality Test
Print the manual of pre-college
Type the UPPF

Books for Spiritual Reading
- Bible/Daily Readings
- Lives of the Saints
- Inquiring Faith
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Bible (see my guide attached to this page)
- Pastores Dabo Vobis
- Imitation of Christ (Thomas Kempis)
- Faith Explained (Leo Trese – not a spiritual book but good for introduction)

G7 0613

First Day of Class


Not yet confirmed:

Parts of the church
General Information

Bring the roman missal

Prepare for the recitation

Prayers to be memorized for recitation next meeting:
Our Father
Hail Mary
Act of Contrition
Grace before and after meals
Mass Responses

Filipino Philosophy