Rommel - too quick, lack of material knowledge
Chris - very good speaker
Ram - very good speaker, less movement
Bhibbo - very good also
Mark - comprehension, easy memorization is reading
Leo - thank u for making it short
Rv -too short and little essence
Jm - engaging the students
Sorry for not clarifying the topic
This is impt for many reasons.
Organize to Holy orders putting things to right place
You will be good speakers.
What is ur feeling
Kindly give score
You are far better than before
Do not use simply voice power but that is good
Make it really academic
Simple bec it is easy to remember
Innovative, engaging
Be sensitive
Try to watch great speeches
Sd with leo 830pm
What is ur suggestion about our class
Pls ask bec I also have lapses like this crisis
Calendar is in the office
I love to do it not bec of sked
I will still have to ask the college about Sept 21 pilgrimage
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