Thursday, December 7, 2017

mass things

1.      Chalice
2.      Paten
3.      Big host
4.      Purificator
5.      Pall
6.      Corporal
7.      Finger towel
8.      Ciborium
9.      Cruets
10.  Thurible
11.  Incense boat
12.  Roman Missal
13.  Lectionary
14.  Ambo
15.  Chasuble
16.  Cassock / Alb
17.  Stole
18.  Monstrance
19.  Tabernacle
20.  Surplice
21.  Gospel book
22.  Pew
23.  Reliquary
24.  Ceriales and cross
25.  Sprinkler
26.  Pyx
27.  Collectio
28.  Pitcher and basin
29.  Holy oils
30.  Altar table
31.  Mitre
32.  Staff
33.  Baptistry
1.      Acolpeo
2.      Draw the chailice
Order for the altar prep 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

FOF Grade 11 Performance Check

Performance Check
Before Mid-terms: (Deadline before Christmas Break)
1. Make a poster depicting man's response to God's rev.
2. Make a reflection about God as a Father
3. Make a comic strip showcasing Christ's Life

Before Finals:
4. Compose a prayer invoking the Holy Spirit
5. Compose a song that depicts the Life and Mission of Church

6. Symposium on Articles of Faith

Friday, December 1, 2017

Lan Messenger

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Filipino Philosophy