Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Please do the spiritual journal. I require you to read spiritual reading books. Please begin with basic books.

Must Read:
- Bible (see my guide attached to this page)
- Pastores Dabo Vobis (some are not for spiritual reading but will help you: "Rerum Novarum". Paul VI. "Humanae Vitae". "Populourum Progressio" John Paul II, "Redemptor Hominis". "Laborem Exercens". "Centesimus Annus". "Fides et Ratio". "Evangelium Vitae". "Veritatis Splendor".)
- Imitation of Christ (Thomas Kempis)
- Faith Explained (Leo Trese – not a spiritual book but good for introduction)
- Lives of the Saints

I have researched classics and good books for free. PDF formats, right-click then save as the book links. Please check the url:


See the Spiritual section

Books for seminarians:

Other books

Please read the books that are most appropriate to you. I have alsoposted this to my blospot so that you can just copy and paste the url. God bless.

Fr. Dan Embuscado

How to read the bible

Start first with the introductions (how to read the bible, history, etc.) especially found in the new american bible.

This guide may help:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Enter the Narrow Gate

12th Wk Tue
Genesis 13:2, 5-18
Psalm 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5
Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Epicurus developed a philosophy of pleasure.It speaks of pleasure as the highest good. It is a valid question. Pleasure is what makes man happy and this becomes for him the driving force to his life. Choose pleasure and avoid pain. Why are we going to make our life sad?

This belief leads man to become antagonistic to faith. Faith is seen as "KJ" or kill joy to experiences. When we come to the cross of Christ, something is revealed. It tells us the fact of our lives. It speaks of sins. When sins become a pleasure, it leads to death. It is the true KJ. When we choose Jesus, taking up his cross, He leads us to life even eternal life.

Faith is not KJ to life's pleasures. It puts life's pleasures at its best. The cross is the way to God's joys. He inspires us to be good, to refuse evil, to be fair and to love. The gate may be narrow but the end is joy.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Trinity Sunday

Trinity: God who is love. The Father loves the Son and the love that abides them is the Holy Spirit.

1. WHO IS OUR GOD. Speaking of God does not only refer to a being outside us. A god for us is something precious to us. What takes our time, what is most pleasing to us, what occupies a large part of our heart and many others speak of "god" in our lives. It can be money, pleasure, fame, power and the like. Every person has something that he holds on to in his heart. Without it, he cannot stand. Trinity speaks of the face of God. It is not simply about numbers. It speaks of the nature of God. Trinity is not about numbers 1 in 3 and 3 in 1, etc. He is love becomes love takes three things: LOVER - Father; THE BELOVED - Jesus; and the LOVE - Holy Spirit. We may see a God of power or a God of love. Power dominates but love simply gives. Our three readings are very clear to us that our God is someone who simply love and give. He is not a God of power who dominates and conquers. So with our relationships, we may either dominate or simply give. Please take note that dominating is similar to getting. Give and not count the cost. People may be so unfair to us and hurt us, still, give.

2. THE WAY OF LOVE. [Story of Bp Tagle] There was a charity which feeds the poor and the needy every morning. A volunteer was assigned in preparing the bread. He was working so slow in toasting the bread that the first pair is already frozen hard after he finished the second set. A lady saw this and volunteered to donate her toasting machine. The superior refused and said she would not take such luxury. The superior asked the lady, "What time do you come here?" The lady answered, "5:30am." The superior answered,"if we have that machine you would come here 6:30am instead of 5:30am. We need you not the machine." We have substituted lots of things in exchange of love and failed to see the power of love.

3. GIVE OUR BEST. God is best because He loves. We give our best because we love. Please be careful not to make love cheap. I think that love is nowadays becomes too trivial (too cheap) when imprisoned in overyly romanticized matter. The best love still comes from Our Lord. Let us learn from Him and I believe our love will be the best.

The trinity is the God who comes to us. He is love.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Store Up Yourselves Treasure in Heaven

Matthew 6:19-23

One aspect of man's life is the claim for control. The thirst for things, pleasures, fame and power have traces of control. We try to gain these things especially of the passing ones in order for us to be in control or at least to stay in balance.

The Gospel offers us another kind of control. Jesus says

“The lamp of the body is the eye.
If your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light;
but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be in darkness.
And if the light in you is darkness, how great will the darkness be."

Control begins with the eye, that is, I believe is our heart. We try to control things outside us but if it is not coming from the heart it would be in vain. Then that is not enough. The heart is to be directed to the treasure that does not decay. "Store up yourselves, treasure in heaven." This is precisely setting up our hearts to God. If we really want that kind of peace and satisfaction, we have to train our hearts in the treasures of heaven.

We may be so busy. We may have so many worries. We may have those successful career or business at the grip of our hands. Why not set our hearts to treasures in heaven? Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. The training begins with the prayer. It is nourished by the Eucharist. Formed and perfected by our experiences.

Come and see.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

iphone as wifi hotspot

100% Working!!! :-)
Note: New Iphone OS has personal hotspot modula.. see the settings.

Syempre Iphone

1/ Download first the app "MyWi" through cydia
2/ Connect to your iPhone with WinSCP
3/ Create the folder Cydia/AutoInstall into var/root/Media/
4/ Copy the Deb File to this new folder
5/ Reboot your iPhone

Files to Download

Saturday, June 4, 2011

usb boot

you have netbook (computer without cd drive) and you wanted to format it using flash drive. For windows 7 use 4GB flash drive

THIS WORKS! hehehe.

If you have macbook, disk utility I think will work. See my item "Mac OS usb boot".

Get the Licenses?

You wish to transfer your licenses to your new pc?

Get first the serial number

Then uninstall it first from the old pc before installing them to the new.

Friday, June 3, 2011

iphone 3g restore error 1015

you try to download the iphone os then meet the restore error 1015
for version 4.2.1

for version 4.1

These work!

Filipino Philosophy