Friday, June 17, 2011

Store Up Yourselves Treasure in Heaven

Matthew 6:19-23

One aspect of man's life is the claim for control. The thirst for things, pleasures, fame and power have traces of control. We try to gain these things especially of the passing ones in order for us to be in control or at least to stay in balance.

The Gospel offers us another kind of control. Jesus says

“The lamp of the body is the eye.
If your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light;
but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be in darkness.
And if the light in you is darkness, how great will the darkness be."

Control begins with the eye, that is, I believe is our heart. We try to control things outside us but if it is not coming from the heart it would be in vain. Then that is not enough. The heart is to be directed to the treasure that does not decay. "Store up yourselves, treasure in heaven." This is precisely setting up our hearts to God. If we really want that kind of peace and satisfaction, we have to train our hearts in the treasures of heaven.

We may be so busy. We may have so many worries. We may have those successful career or business at the grip of our hands. Why not set our hearts to treasures in heaven? Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. The training begins with the prayer. It is nourished by the Eucharist. Formed and perfected by our experiences.

Come and see.

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