Friday, September 9, 2011

BasicCat 09/08/11

September 8 Quiz
10 Commandments
7 Sacraments
3 Theological Virtues

Vocabularies, part of speech, pronunciation, definition
(when recitation + example)
1. infinite
2. sheer
3. redeemer
4. heirs
5. eternal
6. intimate
7. vital
8. draw
9. confer
10. #4 admixture
11. grasp
12. ease
13. #5 albeit
14. insofar
15. mystery
16. #6 decreed
17. begotten
18. divine
19. wisdom
20. #7 manifested
21. descendant
22. communion
23. cease
24. #8 multitude
25. Abraham
26. Moses
27. Genesis
28. Messiah
29. Mount Sinai
30. radical
31. descended
32. #9 definitive
33. mediator
34. Word
35. #10 Magisterium
36. surpass
37. #11 transmission
38. Apostolic Tradition
39. #15 supernatural sense of faith
40. penetrate
41. #16 charism
42. authentic
43. dogma
44. #18 incarnate
45. #19 analogy of faith
46. criteria
47. harmony
48. #20 Canon
49. #21 pedagogy
50. venerate
51. #22 convey
52. ultimate
53. #23 shed
54. #24 vigor
55. fount
56. theology
57. exhorts
58. Saint Jerome
59. #25 grace
60. #26 embodied
61. #27 adhere
62. assent
63. #28 virtue
64. prompted
65. foretaste

Reminders: use of small and big caps, punctuations, etc.

St. Augustine's teaching on faith and reason

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