Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Router to Access Point

It is not easy to convert a router to access point. Some routers have the option of "Change to Access Point" feature. After many years of setting up multiple routers and converting them to access points, I finally wanted to write now in this blog because I discovered a very important thing - a network in harmony. Conflicts in network is the biggest headache. In a single dsl connection and setting up a wifi zone with multiple wifi access points, there has to be only One Router. The rest would be access points. Actually, the simplest thing is to buy an access point for the dead spots but they are not that always available. Many routers nowadays are cheap. Let me now go straight to the conversion.

These figures are important:
You must check the main router for these figures
Default Router IP: (depends on the router brand) google for default ip
Subnet Mask:
DNS: check the router
Secondary DNS: check the router

Convert to Access Point:
1. Turn off the DHCP Server
2. Convert to Static IP
*IP Address - This would be the fixed IP of the router. The highest numbers are preferred but be careful that this number would not conflict with the other routers. This should be within the range of the DHCP server of the main router so that you can access it anywhere.
For eg. the range is 192.168.100 to 192.168.200 - it would be good to assign for that router 192.168.199 but be sure that other routers within the network don't have that. As an advise, increase the DHCP server lease.
*Subnet Mask, DNS, Secondary DNS, internet Gateway - same as the main router
3. SSID - this is the WIFI name broadcast, put password and preferrably not the WEP.
4. Be sure to put password for the log in settings so that they could not access the router.

I also advise to print these figures on a sticker and stick it on the router. That sticker should be hidden. The figures are important for future settings. The hardest part is starting all over again. When you reset the router (10secs reset press), this sticker would be helpful.

By the way, you can also use Power Line networking adapter. You have to be in one circuit breaker. This adapter is the perfect answer in removing those cables. This unit makes the internet cross over the power line and not through those network cables. Airport Express of Apple has wifi already. Network extenders (repeaters) can also help in eliminating cables.

Good routers are those with USB - you can connect the printers and hard disk or flash drives and access them over the internet. Also those with torrent and DLNA servers. TV's with DLNA can access the movies, pictures and music via the internet. You can download (torrent) and watch movies or any media files from your network.

For brand: Linksys, Belkin, D-Link

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