Friday, February 24, 2012

HS3 2/23/12

From 1st Commandment until the 4th (Respecting the state)

"Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar and to God what belongs to God." Mt 22:21

1. Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar
As Christians, we are also Filipinos. We ought to be good Filipino citizens.

2. Give to God what belongs to God.
We are Filipinos but we are also accountable to God. The president of the nation has to be patriotic to his country but there is something greater: "He is accountable to God!" A mere possession of land can be the worst form of slavery. The bible directs us to something more important - the dignity, the spirit, the morality and common good of every individual. The nature itself even without speaking about God demands a law written from its logic.

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