Sunday, October 7, 2012

27B Sunday Mk 10:2-16 On Matrimony

J – Jesus. Our first marriage is towards our Lord. He is the face of God. We cannot be at peace with others if we are not at peace with ourselves. In Jesus, our true image is restored. The single-heartedness is rational way of having integrity. To be a human is to gain freedom. True freedom is a single choice that is the best and not having all the choices. It is a good cure to a society torn by ambivalence, euphoria and emptiness. Our ego communed with Jesus is the divinization and restoration of ourselves to its splendid beauty! With Jesus, we just can’t stop smiling.
O – Others. First reading says, Alas here is a bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. This means that the man is equal to woman. They have different roles but equal. Marriage is tried for many times but this dark night can be overcome. Single partner represents fidelity to true love for you the spouses I believe is God’s best instrument in bringing the true love. It is the proper stance to living a life of beatitude. A single heart towards heaven.
Y – You. It is the participation we have to give. It is the least of all. To be like little children is Jesus’ wish for his followers. We may have different positions in life but before God it is to be a child. Children are full of energy, re-discovering things… We may have failed so many times but we should thank God for the gift of faith. Mary is an example who becomes like a little child, the apostles and the saints. If we stay hungry and foolish in our faith then we will see how lovingly strong our faith is. Faith conquers and knows no boundaries. 

We commend to our Lady of the most Holy Rosary all the couples especially those who are in great troubles.

There is so much Joy in the sacrament of Matrimony! O wonderful sacrament! You give joy because you give Jesus!

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