Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Latin 12 Pointers

I. Identification 15pts
Why Study Latin
What are the genders of first four columns
- Endings of nouns (Declensions)
- Endings of verbs (Conjugation)
Adjective rules
Prepositions of accusative and ablative pp. 8 - 9

12 pts Cases 6 x 2
First four columns
Be Verbs, to be, esse (Present, Present, Future)

10pts Genders and Declensions of the first 6 columns
    Column 1 (a, ae) - 1st Decl, Feminine
    Column 2 (us,i) - 2nd Decl, Masculine
    Column 3 (er,i) - 2nd Decl, Masculine
    Column 4 (um, i) - 2nd Decl, Neuter
    Column 5 (x, is) - 3rd Decl, Masc and Fem

Column I (pp.12-15)
Column II (pp. 16-17)
Column III & IV (pp.18-21)

Bonus (Adjectives)

Choose only 5 random #21 (August 28)

Latin 10 Pointers

I. Definition 66pts
4pts Why study Latin (5 reasons)
 - medical and legal terms
12pts Cases - 6 x 2 (Case + definition) 
3pts Inflections - are endings in Latin
- declension for nouns
- conjugations for verbs
36pts Memorize first 3 columns
10pts Genders and Declensions of the first 6 columns
    Column 1 (a, ae) - 1st Decl, Feminine
    Column 2 (us,i) - 2nd Decl, Masculine
    Column 3 (er,i) - 2nd Decl, Masculine
    Column 4 (um, i) - 2nd Decl, Neuter
    Column 5 (x, is) - 3rd Decl, Masc and Fem

II. Vocabulary 5x4 = 20pts
Column I
care - cura, ae
anger - ira, ae
church - ecclesia, ae
door - porta, ae
country - patria, ae
daughter - filia, ae
eucharist - eucharistia, ae
fault - culpa, ae
monkey - simia, ae
meal - cena, ae
laziness - pigritia, ae
soul - anima, ae
food - esca, ae
star - stella, ae
wife - sponsa, ae
story - fabula, ae
queen - regina, ae

Column II
angel - angelus, i
field - campus, i
game - ludus, i
horse - equus, i
lord - domunus, i
god - deus, i
friend - amicus, i
place - locus, i
year - annus, i
wind - ventus, i
slave - servus, i
stag - cervus, i
son - filius

Column III
artisan - faber, fabri
book - liber, libri (librorum)
children - liberi, liberorum
field - ager, agri
man - vir, viri
teacher/master - magister, magistri
priest - presbyter, presbyteri
son-in-law - gener, generi
umpire - aribiter, arbitri
wild board - aper, apri
father in law - socer, soceri

Column IV
aid - auxilium, i
bad/evil - malum, i
bond - vinculum, i
course - curriculum, i
danger - periculum, i
star - astrum, i
gift - donum, i
good - bonum, i
joy - gaudium, i
kingdom - regnum, i
vice - vitium, i
fire - incendium, i
debt - debitum, i
silence - silentium, i
war - hellum, i
word - verbum, i

wine - vinum, i

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

FOP Pointers Aug 2, 2017

Exam Date: August 10, 2017 1pm or August 9, 2017 1015am

- wrong spelling wrong

Idenitifation and Enumeration:
7pts 1. Liturgical Year (ACOLPEO)
3pts 2. Current Liturgical Cycle and Year
8pts 3. Liturgical Colors: Sacraments and Seasons they are used
4pts 4.Kinds of Prayer (ACTS)
2pts 5. Definition of Prayer?
5pts 6. Lectio Divina (LMOCA)
6pts 7. Expressions of Prayer (p716 with Definition)
6pts 8. Difficulties in Prayer (p.723 3 difficulties plus how to deal with them) 
5pts 9. Forms of Prayer (#2623 - 2643)
4pts 10. Wellspring of Prayer (#2652ff
14pts 11. Tradition of Prayer
Creation - source of prayer
Abraham - prayer of faith
Moses - mediator
David - prayer of the king
Elijah and the prophets - conversion of heart
Psalms - prayer of the Assembly
Jesus - fullness of God's revelation
3pts 12. the three principal parables of prayer
13. Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary (#2617-2619) 3 definitions only
6pts 14. Servants of Prayer (2685ff)
3pts 15. What is the prayer of the hour of Jesus (#2746)

More Questions
  1. Mt. Carmel
  2. number of Chapters of Psalms and 4 Gospels
  3. Widow of Zarephath
  4. the Exile
  5. Temple of Jerusalem
  6. Burning Bush
  7. Samuel
  8. Jesus' tradition of Prayer
  9. According the the scripture, it is the _ that prayers #2652
  10. The master of prayer - Holy Spirit
  11. #2650 One must learn how to pray not only know the scriptures according to _____ (Sacred Tradition)
12. Mary is the perfect ____ (orans), a figure of the Church #2679
  1. The church as proper place of prayer #2691
  2. acedia
  3. Pantocrator #2749
  4. Author of Psalms
  5. What is Amen
  6. Prayer should end and mention the ______
  7. Why is Jesus' prayer the perfect prayer?
  8. name of Formators, TEachers (including the guest) Personnel, Bishop, Parish Priest

Essay (should be based on CCC)
What is Prayer (
Contemplative Prayer
Objections to Prayer (#2726-2728)

5pts - Angelus
5pts - Memorare 
10pts - English Mass Responses 5 items (except Gloria and Credo)
5pts - Confession
5pts - Benediction (Responses and Tantum Ergo 1st Paragraph)
15pts - Mysteries of Rosary (all 4 mysteries and Fatima Prayer)
10pts Wednesday Marian Antiphon (Response and the Salve Regina)
5pts Tagalog Prayers: Aba Ginoong Maria, Luwalhati
5pts Latin Prayers (Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Gloria Patris - choose 1)

Newcomers Questions:
Magnificat (Mary)
Benedictus (Zechariah)
Canticle of Simeon (Night Prayer)
Breviary and Common Responses
2 Additional Mysteries of Rosary
7 sacraments
10 commandments
5 Precepts of the Church
3 archangels
3 theological virtues
4 chief marks of the church
7 capital sins
4 Gospels
12 apostles
2 commandments of love
4 last things
10pts Sumasampalataya
3pts Holy Days of Obligation aside from Sundays

Post Mid-Terms:
Regina Coeli
Gloria (English)
Angelus Tagalog
Latin Prayers

Filipino Philosophy