Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Latin 12 Pointers

I. Identification 15pts
Why Study Latin
What are the genders of first four columns
- Endings of nouns (Declensions)
- Endings of verbs (Conjugation)
Adjective rules
Prepositions of accusative and ablative pp. 8 - 9

12 pts Cases 6 x 2
First four columns
Be Verbs, to be, esse (Present, Present, Future)

10pts Genders and Declensions of the first 6 columns
    Column 1 (a, ae) - 1st Decl, Feminine
    Column 2 (us,i) - 2nd Decl, Masculine
    Column 3 (er,i) - 2nd Decl, Masculine
    Column 4 (um, i) - 2nd Decl, Neuter
    Column 5 (x, is) - 3rd Decl, Masc and Fem

Column I (pp.12-15)
Column II (pp. 16-17)
Column III & IV (pp.18-21)

Bonus (Adjectives)

Choose only 5 random #21 (August 28)

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