Wednesday, December 14, 2011


In our school there is an annoying virus that spreads so fast. I call it MAS USB Virus because you are not a seminarian of MAS if you did not have this virus in your flash drive. Norton identifies it as virus. The virus simply hides the folders copies the folder name and create exe of the folder. The virus creates autorun file that once you plug in your usb, quickly you're infected. This can be fixed by norton. Students unhide it by using the folder view options by showing the protected files. Original Norton can fix it but AVG, NOD32 and similar pirated antivirus, as I have witnessed it, may fix it but compared to Norton some viruses, spywares, trojans and many others cannot be detected. Buy Norton instead (360, Internet Security, Antivirus). It is better to pay a thousand pesos for a year of protection than lose your files suddenly. Sabi nila sila din gumagawa ng virus eh di syempre maglagay pa din ng antivirus. Scan first and clean with Norton. There is another problem. Changing attributes is not easy that is unhiding the folders. There is a special app that can unearth these folders and files. Go to this link to download the file. After installing, just right mouse click the hidden folder or file and choose "Change Attributes..." Uncheck everything then the folders will be back to normal. The best way again is to backup your files often.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Roman Missal

Here's the link to online resources.
Files I created.

Password: adsuperna

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

HS3 12/7/11

Discussion # 75-86. Jesus allowed to be baptized because waters symbolized sin. He took all the sins of men and transform the waters as redemptive grace of baptism.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Router to Access Point

It is not easy to convert a router to access point. Some routers have the option of "Change to Access Point" feature. After many years of setting up multiple routers and converting them to access points, I finally wanted to write now in this blog because I discovered a very important thing - a network in harmony. Conflicts in network is the biggest headache. In a single dsl connection and setting up a wifi zone with multiple wifi access points, there has to be only One Router. The rest would be access points. Actually, the simplest thing is to buy an access point for the dead spots but they are not that always available. Many routers nowadays are cheap. Let me now go straight to the conversion.

These figures are important:
You must check the main router for these figures
Default Router IP: (depends on the router brand) google for default ip
Subnet Mask:
DNS: check the router
Secondary DNS: check the router

Convert to Access Point:
1. Turn off the DHCP Server
2. Convert to Static IP
*IP Address - This would be the fixed IP of the router. The highest numbers are preferred but be careful that this number would not conflict with the other routers. This should be within the range of the DHCP server of the main router so that you can access it anywhere.
For eg. the range is 192.168.100 to 192.168.200 - it would be good to assign for that router 192.168.199 but be sure that other routers within the network don't have that. As an advise, increase the DHCP server lease.
*Subnet Mask, DNS, Secondary DNS, internet Gateway - same as the main router
3. SSID - this is the WIFI name broadcast, put password and preferrably not the WEP.
4. Be sure to put password for the log in settings so that they could not access the router.

I also advise to print these figures on a sticker and stick it on the router. That sticker should be hidden. The figures are important for future settings. The hardest part is starting all over again. When you reset the router (10secs reset press), this sticker would be helpful.

By the way, you can also use Power Line networking adapter. You have to be in one circuit breaker. This adapter is the perfect answer in removing those cables. This unit makes the internet cross over the power line and not through those network cables. Airport Express of Apple has wifi already. Network extenders (repeaters) can also help in eliminating cables.

Good routers are those with USB - you can connect the printers and hard disk or flash drives and access them over the internet. Also those with torrent and DLNA servers. TV's with DLNA can access the movies, pictures and music via the internet. You can download (torrent) and watch movies or any media files from your network.

For brand: Linksys, Belkin, D-Link

HS3 12/6/11

Answer December 1, 2011 #43-64
1. What is the importance of Sunday? Why did God rest on the 7th day?
Answer: Completion of Work
2. (True or False) The Son and the Holy Spirit is present in creation. True
3. (True or False) Natural laws do not come from God? True
4. What is the meaning of six days of creation? Even 1 answer only.
Order or any from the book
5. Why did God create the World? Wisdom and love
6. (True or False) In all things that happen to us God is there. True
7. Is God the source of evil? Explain. False. God may permit evil because he may draw something good from it. Absence of good. Imperfection.
8. (True or False) Angels are perfect and did not sin. False
9. Creation is for the glory of God. How do we give our glory to God? Gratitude
10. ___ makes an individual person as a man, his life principle and inmost being. Soul

Discussion until #74 Jesus as "Lord"

HS3 11/30/11

discuss 55-65 About sexuality

BasicCat 12/05/11

Finish of the Reporting


Remind about the papers

Monday, December 5, 2011

Print the Folders and Files

You may wish to print the content of a folder and also its subfolders. This is helpful in printing CD contents. It is not easy to type everything but this method will help you create the list in a snap. Click this link.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

mac os usb boot

For creating a bootable usb. I think this will work with windows as well. Just create an iso file first.

MAC OS boot Disc
8GB usb flash drive

1. Use disk utility.
2. Insert the MAC OS Boot disc then create an image from it by clicking New Image in Disk Utility. This will take time. A dmg file will be created.
4. After the DMG file is created mount it.
5. Format the USB flash drive (Mac OS journaled)
6. Click the Restore tab. Drag and Drop. Source=mounted file. Targe=usb drive. About 20mins with 8GB.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

HS3 11/29/11

from 46 to 55
each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.
Assign reporters and set quizzes
Grades are submitted

Friday, November 18, 2011

BasicCat 11/18/11

Just see click the grades to see my remarks. Thanks.
Kim Dale
until 113

*Major Titles of Mary
Mother of God
Immaculate Conception
Mother of the Church
Ever Virgin

*3 temptations - money, fame, power
*waters signify sin - Jesus took them during baptism
*Mt Tabor
*Moses & Elijah

Thursday, November 17, 2011

HS3 11/16/11

Review of the notes #37-47 "Sine Dominico non Possumus!"
Nov 17 - no class because of their practice. Good luck Third Year.
Just give your best and put God first. Good luck din sa mga bisita namin.

Monday, November 14, 2011

BasicCat 11/14/11

- Be familiar with all the bible characters and stories. Procure the God speaks to his children, My first Bible, etc. Watching of the movies
- Reporting on Wednesday Articles 79-133 (3-5 mins only)
- Print outs on Dies Domini, Intruction on New English Missal and Apologetics (to be passed on Friday

Friday, November 4, 2011

32nd Sunday - Wise and Foolish Virgins

I like this homily shared by Fr. Ramil Marcos. Thank you father. The world cannot understand this grace of oil but it is very much true and much needed. Oil also represents eternity. We need eternity. Life is meaningless without it. Still, the world cannot understand. We need this oil to keep the lamp burning.

WHY WISE AND FOOLISH? Sunday - 32 by Fr. Ramil Marcos

This is one of the most recognizable parables and also one of the most instructive about this life and the next. The gospel speaks of virgins about to attend a wedding ceremony. They were tasked to welcome the bridegroom and accompany him to the wedding feast. Five were wise virgins. Five were foolish. What does this classification mean - wise and foolish?

Why not wise and ignorant? Ignorant would mean that these virgins were unaware of some things and therefore not guilty of not having oil for their lamps. Why not wise and dumb? Dumb would mean that they were simply incapable of thinking and reflecting deeply on things. Why not wise and lazy? Lazy would imply that these virgins were just plain sloppy in their task.

The Lord Jesus preferred to call the virgins, wise and foolish. The foolish ones knew what they needed to do but simply refused to do it. While the wise virgins brought oil together with their lamps, the foolish ones, the Lord says: brought no oil with them. It was intentional not to bring the oil!

They knew they needed something but they deliberately did not bring any. Not a single drop. Notice that the wise virgins were not said to have brought too much oil. They brought just enough for their needs and passed the test. The foolish ones did not bother to bring any at all.

So it is not a case of forgetfulness or lack of information or laziness. It seems that these virgins simply refused to bring oil because they had no intention of lighting up their lamps. They really did not want to cooperate with the mood of the wedding itself. Physically present but spiritually absent from it all.

Isn’t it that at times we bump into people who join us for the beach but don’t bring swimming gear? Or go to school without their pen and paper? Or attend parties without gifts for the celebrant? They know what’s essential but are simply uninterested in giving their total attention.

The remedy therefore, is interest, enthusiasm, excitement for what’s before you! For life and for eternal life! We can go through life bringing only the basics, the lamp, without the oil to ignite it and make it glow and shine. Cohabiting couples content to live outside the sacrament of Marriage - they have no oil to make their marriage a source of grace. People who work just for the money – they have no oil to aim for excellence and fulfillment. Believers satisfied with rituals and traditions – they have no oil to deepen their relationship with God.

God prepared life like a feast. Are you here to enjoy it? To maximize your participation in the celebration? Or are you simply going through the motions? There is still time. Ask God for the oil that will make your lamp shine!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Remove USB devices quickly

I find it annoying to find, click and wait for the "Safely Remove Hardware" especially when I am in a hurry. This url will help you assign a shortcut key combo in removing your usb flash drives and the like. Click this link

I think this one is better. Click me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

HS3 10/19/11

Those who passed their projects:

The asterisk indicate the time of passing.
1. Rozz & Romeo "Bible" *
2. Philip & Robert "Catholic Doctrines" **
3. Rannie & Ian "Apostolic Tradition" *
4. Darwin & Val "Ten Commandments" **
5. Fergie & Jekjek "What is Holy Mass" *
6. Lesli & Jomel "Assumption of Mary" *
7. Tony & Ellis "Chalice & Chasuble" *
8. JC & Takumi "Prayer" ***
9. Rosco & Jokie "History of Church" ***
10. Guile & Gerome "7 Sacraments" ****
Please do your projects next time with excellence. Thanks.

Exams October 26-28, 2011
Coverage - #1-#36

Today's Discussion - until #46 Work Week meaning

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

HS3 10/4/11

Project Check

Rozz & Romeo - Holy Bible
Fergie & Jekjek - Holy Mass
Ian & Rannie - Apostles & Apostolic Tradition

JC & Takumi - Sunday
Guile & Gerome - Sunday
Roscoe & Garces - Mamaya
Jomel & Leslie - Bukas
Val & Darwin - Sunday

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

BasicCat 10/04/11

1. Recap of Notes and then about the finals + other matters
I. Coverage of Exams
A. Formulas and Prayers -
B. #1-#78
C. Discussion Noters (There are words I mentioned not found in the book) just check
this blog
II. Type of Exam - Objective, True or False, Enumeration
III. Basic Cat who already took copies - Aldrin, Edward and Jonathan

2. Checking of Assignment
- 25councils, Dogma, Doctrine, etc.
3. Recitation
I. sign of the cross
II. Salve Regina
III. Ave Maria
6. Discussion
#72 - fall is also orginal sin


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

BasicCat 09/27/11

Recitation of Prayers

#64 natural law
#65 the creation is the beginning and the end is the cross
#66 there is a man who is aware
#68 Body and soul should not be separated

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nokia GPRS and Contacts Sync

GPRS Settings link
Sync your phonebook to Google:
lower versions
higher versions
Note: The good thing about syncing your phonebook to google contacts is that you don't have to worry about restoring phonebook list. Whatever celphone you have or you would like to have just activate that google sync and the google cloud syncs the contacts. You can edit your phonebook list via google website and integrate those email address, put pictures... You can also use google calendar. For other cp's click this link

BasicCat 9/17/11

Advance class for CEAP attendance of Fr. Dan
Discussion #25 to #58

Sets of Prayers for Memorization

Apostle's Creed
Act of Contrition
3 Canticles: Benedictus, Magnificat, Simeon
Books of the Bible

Latin Prayers - Sign of the Cross, Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Salve Regina

Benediction Songs and Response

Vatican II
Papal Infallibility
Dogmas and Doctrines
Five Major Councils

Thursday, September 15, 2011

BasicCat 09/15/11

7 Corporal Works of Mercy
7 Capital Sins
7 Opposite Virtues
7 Spiritual Works of Marcy

Check sister's lessons again - ok
Somebody has to print a post for the chapel
Next Saturday - 2hrs

Discussion from #14-#24

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

HS3 9/14/11


7 Sacraments - Guile and Jerome
Assumption - Leslie and Jommel
10 Commandments - Capati and Val
The Bible - Gozon and Ignacio
Apostolic Tradition and the 12 Apostles - Rani and
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine - Philip and Robert
Short History of the Church - Garces and Roscoe
Sacred Vessels and Vestments - Toni
The Holy Mass - Jekjek
Prayer or Confession - Takumi and JC

Discussion #17-#33

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

HS3 9/13/11

Discussion at Conference Room
q&a #16-21

BasicCat 09/13/11

Checking of Vocabularies
1-5 Precepts of the Church
6-8 Evangelical Counsels
9-12 Chief Marks of the Church
13-24 12 Apostles

Those who wish to buy Compendium of CCC:
11 items

Bayan Umawit Songbook:
1. James X2
2. Mark
3. Russelle
4. Enrico
5. Aldrin
6. Vergara
7. Ariel
8. Kim


Discussion #12-15
Next meeting: remaining formulas + the topics we discussed + recitation

Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage simply means backing up your files automatically to the internet. There are several free services. The best one for me is the dropbox. It syncs the files in your computer to the internet storage automatically. This is very useful when you need to format your pc (bec of viruses, sluggish operation, etc.) or you need to sync files between 2 computers or more without the hassle of the flash drive. Just store your important files in the dropbox folder. It is 2GB only but it is enough for important files. Don't use syncplicity from because it is not working. Click this link. You can increase use your cloud storage up to 8GB capacity when you have referrals.

Friday, September 9, 2011

BasicCat 09/08/11

September 8 Quiz
10 Commandments
7 Sacraments
3 Theological Virtues

Vocabularies, part of speech, pronunciation, definition
(when recitation + example)
1. infinite
2. sheer
3. redeemer
4. heirs
5. eternal
6. intimate
7. vital
8. draw
9. confer
10. #4 admixture
11. grasp
12. ease
13. #5 albeit
14. insofar
15. mystery
16. #6 decreed
17. begotten
18. divine
19. wisdom
20. #7 manifested
21. descendant
22. communion
23. cease
24. #8 multitude
25. Abraham
26. Moses
27. Genesis
28. Messiah
29. Mount Sinai
30. radical
31. descended
32. #9 definitive
33. mediator
34. Word
35. #10 Magisterium
36. surpass
37. #11 transmission
38. Apostolic Tradition
39. #15 supernatural sense of faith
40. penetrate
41. #16 charism
42. authentic
43. dogma
44. #18 incarnate
45. #19 analogy of faith
46. criteria
47. harmony
48. #20 Canon
49. #21 pedagogy
50. venerate
51. #22 convey
52. ultimate
53. #23 shed
54. #24 vigor
55. fount
56. theology
57. exhorts
58. Saint Jerome
59. #25 grace
60. #26 embodied
61. #27 adhere
62. assent
63. #28 virtue
64. prompted
65. foretaste

Reminders: use of small and big caps, punctuations, etc.

St. Augustine's teaching on faith and reason

Thursday, September 8, 2011

HS3 9/8/11

September 8 Bday of Mama Mary
- discussion from #7 until #16

continue from: The bible is about the message and not about the details. The message of God is stronger that facts. It should be read prayerfully and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BasicCat 09/06/11

September 6, 2011
Ronnel - absent
Checking of Copies - ok
First quiz
1-2 2 commandments of love
3. Golden Rule
4-6 three archangels
7 265th pope
8-11 four liturgical colors
12-15 what are the four gospels
16-19 four last things
20 - 7 capital sins
Next meeting: Check if they have their papers

Aldrin - 70%
Enrico - 70%

Monday, September 5, 2011

Make your PC stealth

We should make our PC secure over the internet and these are five steps:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fraternal Correction is Beautiful

Gospel Commentary for 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Father Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap

ROME, SEPT. 5, 2008 ( In the Gospel this Sunday we read: “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘If your brother sins, go and admonish him privately; if he listens to you, you have gained your brother.’”

Jesus speaks of all sins; he does not restrict the field to sins committed against us. In this latter sort of case, it is hard to know whether what moves us is zeal for truth or our own wounded pride. In any case, it would be more of a self-defense than a fraternal correction. When the sin is against us, the first duty is not correction but forgiveness.

Why does Jesus say to admonish your brother privately? Above all, this injunction has respect for your brother’s good name, his dignity in view.

The worst thing would be to want to correct a husband in the presence of his wife or a wife in the presence of her husband, a father in front of his children, a teacher in front of pupils, or a superior in the presence of inferiors; in other words, in the presence of those whose esteem is important for the person in question? The situation will soon become a public trial. It would be very difficult for the person to accept the correction well. His dignity would be compromised.

Jesus says that the admonishment should take place privately to give the person the chance to defend himself and explain his actions in complete freedom. Many times what appears to an outside observer to be a sin is not in the intention of the person who committed it. A frank explanation clears up many misunderstandings. But this is no longer possible when the person is publicly redressed and the incident brought to the awareness of others.

When, for whatever reason, fraternal correction is not possible in private, there is something that must never be done in its place, and that is to divulge, without good reason, one’s brother’s fault, to speak ill of him or, indeed, to calumniate him, proposing as fact something that is not, or exaggerating the fault. “Do not speak ill of one another,” Scripture says (James 4:11). Gossip is not something innocent; it is ugly and reprehensible.

A woman once went to St. Philip Neri for confession, accusing herself badmouthing people. The saint absolved her but gave her a strange penance. He told her to go home, get a hen and come back, plucking the bird’s feathers as she walked along the street. When she had returned to him he said: “Now go back home and, as you go, pick up each feather that you plucked on the way.” The woman told him that it would be impossible since the wind had almost certainly blown them away in the meantime. But St. Philip was prepared: “You see,” he said, “just as it is impossible to pick up the feathers once the wind has scattered them, it is likewise impossible to gather gossip and calumnies back up once they have come out of our mouth.”
Returning to the theme of the correction, we should say that the good outcome of the correction does not always depend on us; despite our best intentions, the other may not accept the correction, he may harden. But this can be compensated for: When we ourselves are corrected, the good outcome does depend on us! Indeed, I could very well be the person who “who has sinned” and the “corrector” could easily be someone else: husband, wife, friend, confrere or father superior. 

In sum, there is not only active correction but passive correction; there is not only the duty to correct but the duty to allow yourself to be corrected. And it is precisely here that we can see whether someone is mature enough to correct others. Whoever wants to correct someone must be ready, in turn, to be corrected. When you see someone accept an observation and you hear him or her answer with simplicity: “You are right. Thanks for letting me know!” Doff your cap because you are in the presence of a true man or true woman.

Christ’s teaching about fraternal correction must always be read together with what he says on another occasion: “Why do you regard the speck in your brother’s eye and ignore the bean in your own? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’ when you do not see the beam that is in yours” (Luke 6:41)?

What Jesus has taught us about correction can be very useful in raising children too. Correction is one of the parent’s fundamental duties. “What son is not disciplined by his father?” Scripture says (Hebrews 12:7); and again: “Straighten the little plant while it is still young if you do not want it to be permanently crooked.” Completely renouncing every form of correction is one of the worst things that you can do to your children and unfortunately it very common today.

You must simply take care that the correction itself does not become an accusation or a criticism. In correcting you should just stick to reproving the error that was committed; don’t generalize it and reproach everything about the child and his conduct. Instead, use the correction to point out all the good things that you see in the child and how you expect much better from him, in such away that the correction becomes encouragement rather than disqualification. This was the method that St. John Bosco used with children.

It is not easy in individual cases to know whether it is better to correct something or let it go, speak or be silent. This is why it is important to remember the Golden Rule, valid in all cases, that St. Paul offers in the second letter: “Owe each other nothing but the debt of mutual love. […] Love does evil to no one.” Augustine synthesized everything in the maxim, “Love and do what you will.”

You must make sure above all that in your heart there is a fundamental disposition of welcome toward other persons. If you have this, then whatever you do, whether you correct or remain silent, you will be doing the right thing, because love “does evil to no one.”

[Translation by Joseph G. Trabbic]

* * *

Father Raniero Cantalamessa is the Pontifical Household preacher. The readings for this Sunday Ezekiel 33:7-9; Romans 13:8-10; Matthew 18:15-20.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Read MacDrive in Windows

In relation to my post, there is a way also to read macdrive in windows pc. I give you this link and this is only good for 5 days. This is good enough to get the files. You may also want the pirated installer. You must disable to antivirus temporarily to run the crack or keygenerator. CAUTION -> Disable internet first then activate the macdrive with the "no internet connection" option. Otherwise, you have to pay the software for permanent installation.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BOOTMGR missing

I got this message in Windows 7 Bootmgr is missing... Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
(You cannot boot with this problem)

I accidentally activated the secondary drive via Disk Management (it becomes the boot drive)
To recover the primary drive as the boot drive... You must have the windows 7 installation disc.. or Boot Repair CD, open a Command line and type this to set Windows 7 active again:

Go to repair and then command prompt.

Do these commands in sequence:

SELECT DISK # (# for Windows 7 disk)
SELECT PARTITION # (# for Windows 7 partition, or 100mb System Reserved partition if you have it)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Language of God

from Fr. Cantalamessa, OFM
In this Sunday's Gospel we hear Jesus saying: "If anyone would come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for I shall find it. "What does "denying oneself"? Prior to that, why deny yourself? We know that aroused the indignation of the philosopher Nietzsche, this application of the gospel. I begin to answer with an example. During the Nazi persecution of Jews loads many trains from every part of Europe to the extermination camps. They were encouraged to come up with false promises of being taken to places best for their own good, as they were led to their downfall. It happened sometimes that one stop the train someone who knew the truth, called out of hiding to passengers get off, flee, and some could not. The example is a bit 'strong, but expresses something of our situation. The train of life on which we travel is approaching death. On this, at least there's no doubt. Our natural self, being mortal, is destined to end. What gives us the gospel when it exhorts us to deny ourselves, is to get off this train and go to another that leads to life. The train that leads to life is faith in Him who said: "Whoever believes in me, though dead, shall live." Paul had made this "transfer" and describes it thus: "It is no longer live, Christ lives in me ".If we assume the ego of Christ we become immortal because he, risen from the dead, dies no more. Here's what they want to say the words that we heard: "Whosoever will save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it." Then it is clear that denying oneself is not a defeatist and self-defeating, but the bold smarter we can make in life. But we must do immediately for clarification. Jesus does not ask to deny "what we are," but that "we have become." We are the image of God, so we are something "very good", as he said God himself, after having created man and woman. What we need is not to deny what God has done, but what we did, by misusing our freedom. In other words, the evil tendencies, sin, all of which are like overlapping scales back the original.
Years ago, were discovered in the seabed off the Ionian coast, two shapeless masses that they had a vague resemblance to human bodies, covered, as were, in marine deposits. Were brought to the surface and painstakingly cleaned and freed. Today is the famous "Bronze Warriors", the Museum of Reggio Calabria, one of the most admired sculptures of antiquity. These examples help us understand the positive aspect is that the Gospel proposal. We resemble, in spirit, those statues before restoration. The beautiful image of God we should be, was covered with seven layers which are the seven deadly sins. Maybe it's not bad to recall if we had forgotten. They are: pride, avarice, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy and sloth. St. Paul calls this disfigured image of "the earthly image," as opposed to the "heavenly image," which is Christ-likeness. "deny oneself" is thus not a task for death but for life, for beauty and joy.
It is also to learn the language of true love. Imagine, said the great philosopher of the last century, Kierkegaard, a purely human. Two young men they love. However, belong to two different nations and speak two completely different languages. If their love is to survive and grow, you must either learn the language. Otherwise it will not be able to communicate and their love will not last. So, commented, takes place between us and God. We speak the language of the flesh, and him the gift of the spirit; we the selfishness, him that of love. Give Up Self And and learn the language of God in order to be able to communicate with him, but it is also learn the language that allows us to communicate between us.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


21st Wk Friday
Matthew 25:14-30

The scriptures tells us that the behavior we ought to have with regards to our responsibilities is that of stewardship. I believe that our attitude towards things or people come to its exemplary state when we know that we are responsible to them in front of our Lord. It is because He always reminds us of the essence or the absolute truths of everything. They are not subject to our whims even with the most rational thought. Nor things in their immediate sense dictate the meaning. Means and ends cannot be overturned. Our faith makes us become in touch with the reality of our lives in its most earthly richness if viewed from the heavens.

The phrase "since you are responsible with 'small matters'..." already give us a hint to the essence of things. We race to grandiosity even equate it as God's blessing. There is however far more grandiose even with the uncontestable "wala ka sa lolo ko." This thing passes unnoticed from our eyes especially when we have many attachments but the scriptures for today hit it directly. It is the "small matters." We may see that big things define our live but the gospel says 'small matters STILL MATTER.' Small matters reveal the content of our hearts and its true longing. Even if its covered with beautiful wraps still it is there. The scriptures suggest that it can be nourished only with the sense of being a steward. It is being the steward of the Lord and not just having possessions that satisfy our hearts. The condemnation is a warning. It is not punishment. In the reality of our lives, those who neglect the voice of the Lord and continue to acquire or esteem their hearts with superfluous things often fail. Small matters are important because as we know, people's hearts are revealed with the way they behave with little things and little people. The core of the person comes to fore. What shapes our lives are simple expressions of love, genuine friendships, unknown sacrifices and many others. I believe that these are the essential things, the foundations of all things without which all externalities will collapse. The cross of Jesus reveal these things. A tree cannot stand without the roots and so external things may break us if not rooted with their meanings. You may not understand or take this but what I suggest is that "be careful" or at least "think again."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

PC - Basic Catechism

Click here to view the files and your grades.

1. who has read:
ruselle -
jell -
2. Checking of those able to read - ok
3. Read Compendium 1-37 and produce copies
4. Format of the class
First part of the meeting - vocabularies
5. Memorize the Formulas of Catholic Doctrine
6. Continue Reading

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Iphone Backup and Restore

Despicable iphone limits:
- cannot access the iphone in other computers
- formatting either the computer or your iphone and need that backup including jailbreak perhaps

click this link to start

Sync your Iphone to Google Cloud

Why sync to cloud is important:
(You must have gmail/google account)

*Auto-backup your contacts and calendars
- when your iphone is on wifi, it syncs automatically to cloud (google server)

*Integrate your email ads and phone contacts anywhere
- You may wish to organize your contacts and emails. Google contacts does it easily.
- Get those contacts via google when you forgot your phone

*Copy or Sync contacts to other phones seamlessly
- Sync to nokia phones, android and other google capable (no more hassle of copying
manually contacts to other phones)
- Updates come to all devices (when you edit a contact in iphone, it will update
google, other phone and even facebook if you integrate it and even include their
facebook profile pic.

Google calendar
- this is a great calendar compatible to outlook, calendar maker,android phones and many other planner plus alarm notifications

Click here to start

the "king" asks for docile heart more than anything else


Reflects on Wisdom and Just Judgments of King Solomon

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mac & NTFS

NTFS partitioned drives (Simply external drives formatted in PC) cannot be read in MAC computers. The best driver to enable this partition is Paragon NTFS. Just google or it.

Good positions?

(copied from office of readings July 25 Feast of St. James)

From a homily on Matthew by Saint John Chrysostom, bishop
Sharers in the suffering of Christ
The sons of Zebedee press Christ: Promise that one may sit at your right side and the other at your left. What does he do? He wants to show them that it is not a spiritual gift for which they are asking, and that if they knew what their request involved, they would never dare make it. So he says: You do not know what you are asking, that is, what a great and splendid thing it is and how much beyond the reach even of the heavenly powers. Then he continues: Can you drink the cup which I must drink and be baptised with the baptism which I must undergo? He is saying: “You talk of sharing honours and rewards with me, but I must talk of struggle and toil. Now is not the time for rewards or the time for my glory to be revealed. Earthly life is the time for bloodshed, war and danger.”
Consider how by his manner of questioning he exhorts and draws them. He does not say: “Can you face being slaughtered? Can you shed your blood?” How does he put his question? Can you drink the cup? Then he makes it attractive by adding: which I must drink, so that the prospect of sharing it with him may make them more eager. He also calls his suffering a baptism, to show that it will effect a great cleansing of the entire world. The disciples answer him: We can! Fervour makes them answer promptly, though they really do not know what they are saying but still think they will receive what they ask for.
How does Christ reply? You will indeed drink my cup and be baptised with my baptism. He is really prophesying a great blessing for them, since he is telling them: “You will be found worthy of martyrdom; you will suffer what I suffer and end your life with a violent death, thus sharing all with me. But seats at my right and left are not mine to give; they belong to those for whom the Father has prepared them.” Thus, after lifting their minds to higher goals and preparing them to meet and overcome all that will make them desolate, he sets them straight on their request.
Then the other ten became angry at the two brothers. See how imperfect they all are: the two who tried to get ahead of the other ten, and the ten who were jealous of the two! But, as I said before, show them to me at a later date in their lives, and you will see that all these impulses and feelings have disappeared. Read how John, the very man who here asks for the first place, will always yield to Peter when it comes to preaching and performing miracles in the Acts of the Apostles. James, for his part, was not to live very much longer; for from the beginning he was inspired by great fervour and, setting aside all purely human goals, rose to such splendid heights that he straightway suffered martyrdom.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Please do the spiritual journal. I require you to read spiritual reading books. Please begin with basic books.

Must Read:
- Bible (see my guide attached to this page)
- Pastores Dabo Vobis (some are not for spiritual reading but will help you: "Rerum Novarum". Paul VI. "Humanae Vitae". "Populourum Progressio" John Paul II, "Redemptor Hominis". "Laborem Exercens". "Centesimus Annus". "Fides et Ratio". "Evangelium Vitae". "Veritatis Splendor".)
- Imitation of Christ (Thomas Kempis)
- Faith Explained (Leo Trese – not a spiritual book but good for introduction)
- Lives of the Saints

I have researched classics and good books for free. PDF formats, right-click then save as the book links. Please check the url:


See the Spiritual section

Books for seminarians:

Other books

Please read the books that are most appropriate to you. I have alsoposted this to my blospot so that you can just copy and paste the url. God bless.

Fr. Dan Embuscado

How to read the bible

Start first with the introductions (how to read the bible, history, etc.) especially found in the new american bible.

This guide may help:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Enter the Narrow Gate

12th Wk Tue
Genesis 13:2, 5-18
Psalm 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5
Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Epicurus developed a philosophy of pleasure.It speaks of pleasure as the highest good. It is a valid question. Pleasure is what makes man happy and this becomes for him the driving force to his life. Choose pleasure and avoid pain. Why are we going to make our life sad?

This belief leads man to become antagonistic to faith. Faith is seen as "KJ" or kill joy to experiences. When we come to the cross of Christ, something is revealed. It tells us the fact of our lives. It speaks of sins. When sins become a pleasure, it leads to death. It is the true KJ. When we choose Jesus, taking up his cross, He leads us to life even eternal life.

Faith is not KJ to life's pleasures. It puts life's pleasures at its best. The cross is the way to God's joys. He inspires us to be good, to refuse evil, to be fair and to love. The gate may be narrow but the end is joy.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Trinity Sunday

Trinity: God who is love. The Father loves the Son and the love that abides them is the Holy Spirit.

1. WHO IS OUR GOD. Speaking of God does not only refer to a being outside us. A god for us is something precious to us. What takes our time, what is most pleasing to us, what occupies a large part of our heart and many others speak of "god" in our lives. It can be money, pleasure, fame, power and the like. Every person has something that he holds on to in his heart. Without it, he cannot stand. Trinity speaks of the face of God. It is not simply about numbers. It speaks of the nature of God. Trinity is not about numbers 1 in 3 and 3 in 1, etc. He is love becomes love takes three things: LOVER - Father; THE BELOVED - Jesus; and the LOVE - Holy Spirit. We may see a God of power or a God of love. Power dominates but love simply gives. Our three readings are very clear to us that our God is someone who simply love and give. He is not a God of power who dominates and conquers. So with our relationships, we may either dominate or simply give. Please take note that dominating is similar to getting. Give and not count the cost. People may be so unfair to us and hurt us, still, give.

2. THE WAY OF LOVE. [Story of Bp Tagle] There was a charity which feeds the poor and the needy every morning. A volunteer was assigned in preparing the bread. He was working so slow in toasting the bread that the first pair is already frozen hard after he finished the second set. A lady saw this and volunteered to donate her toasting machine. The superior refused and said she would not take such luxury. The superior asked the lady, "What time do you come here?" The lady answered, "5:30am." The superior answered,"if we have that machine you would come here 6:30am instead of 5:30am. We need you not the machine." We have substituted lots of things in exchange of love and failed to see the power of love.

3. GIVE OUR BEST. God is best because He loves. We give our best because we love. Please be careful not to make love cheap. I think that love is nowadays becomes too trivial (too cheap) when imprisoned in overyly romanticized matter. The best love still comes from Our Lord. Let us learn from Him and I believe our love will be the best.

The trinity is the God who comes to us. He is love.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Store Up Yourselves Treasure in Heaven

Matthew 6:19-23

One aspect of man's life is the claim for control. The thirst for things, pleasures, fame and power have traces of control. We try to gain these things especially of the passing ones in order for us to be in control or at least to stay in balance.

The Gospel offers us another kind of control. Jesus says

“The lamp of the body is the eye.
If your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light;
but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be in darkness.
And if the light in you is darkness, how great will the darkness be."

Control begins with the eye, that is, I believe is our heart. We try to control things outside us but if it is not coming from the heart it would be in vain. Then that is not enough. The heart is to be directed to the treasure that does not decay. "Store up yourselves, treasure in heaven." This is precisely setting up our hearts to God. If we really want that kind of peace and satisfaction, we have to train our hearts in the treasures of heaven.

We may be so busy. We may have so many worries. We may have those successful career or business at the grip of our hands. Why not set our hearts to treasures in heaven? Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. The training begins with the prayer. It is nourished by the Eucharist. Formed and perfected by our experiences.

Come and see.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

iphone as wifi hotspot

100% Working!!! :-)
Note: New Iphone OS has personal hotspot modula.. see the settings.

Syempre Iphone

1/ Download first the app "MyWi" through cydia
2/ Connect to your iPhone with WinSCP
3/ Create the folder Cydia/AutoInstall into var/root/Media/
4/ Copy the Deb File to this new folder
5/ Reboot your iPhone

Files to Download

Saturday, June 4, 2011

usb boot

you have netbook (computer without cd drive) and you wanted to format it using flash drive. For windows 7 use 4GB flash drive

THIS WORKS! hehehe.

If you have macbook, disk utility I think will work. See my item "Mac OS usb boot".

Get the Licenses?

You wish to transfer your licenses to your new pc?

Get first the serial number

Then uninstall it first from the old pc before installing them to the new.

Friday, June 3, 2011

iphone 3g restore error 1015

you try to download the iphone os then meet the restore error 1015
for version 4.2.1

for version 4.1

These work!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Create itune account without credit card

I thought Credit Card is required. This is the way if you are afraid of using the credit card

Monday, May 23, 2011

Laptop as Wifi

Do you want your laptop to be a wifi hotspot? It must be windows 7 then install this:

Works with Globe Tattoo or similar

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jaiblreak IOS 4.3.3

iphone 4 ver 4.3.3 jailbreak

1. Open Cydia, tap on "Manage" at the bottom
2. Tap on "Sources"
3. Tap on "Edit" on top right then tap on "Add" on top left
4. Type in Cydia will warn you about copyright information just tap ok

To install installous
just go to the installed hackulo then browse for installous. install!


APN settings

APN Settings for Globe
Postpaid APN:
Prepaid APN:
Dial No.: *99#

APN Settings for Smart Bro
Postpaid APN: smartbro
Prepaid APN: smartbro
APN Settings for Smart Buddy, Smart Gold
APN: internet
Dial No.: *99#

APN Settings for Sun Cellular
APN (static): minternet
Authentication: PAP
IP address: dynamic
APN (static): fbband
Authentication: PAP
IP address: dynamic

MMS sending is P5.00 and you need to have at least P25 maintaining balance to be able to Send and Receive MMS. Also the maximum file size for sending & receiving of MMS is 400 KB.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Globe Data Plans

You may wish to carry with you the internet then paste and go this link:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Excel Picture Database

We're making the database of applicants using excel. How to put the pictures in the database is described as follows:

It's working!

Philo 4 Post-Modernism 2024-2025
